About Us

We are part of the International Church of the Nazarene, and are in full accord with the beliefs and doctrines of the denomination we’re part of. You’ll find information about our basic beliefs below. For more information about the Church of the Nazarene, you can visit www.nazarene.org.

What We Believe

  • In one Creator God, who reveals Himself as Father, Son and Spirit.
  • In the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ.
  • The Bible is the inspired and relevant Word of God.
  • All people have sinned and need God’s grace and forgiveness which is free and available to all through Jesus’ death on the cross.
  • God draws us to Himself but the decision to respond is ours.
  • An individual must repent and trust Christ to receive forgiveness and eternal life.
  • As Christians we need to offer our whole lives to God (the biblical word for this is sanctification).
  • When we give ourselves to God in this way, His Spirit can fully mold us into Christ-likeness; His perfect love is reflected in our attitudes and actions; and
  • God empowers us to live more abundantly.
  • The church is the Body of Christ carrying on His purposes in the world.
  • God can bring healing.
  • Jesus Christ is coming again.

For a more detailed outline of the Church of the Nazarene’s Articles of Faith, please visit the Church of the Nazarene website.

About the Church of the Nazarene

The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, tracing its roots to an anniversary date of 1908. It was founded to spread the message of scriptural holiness (Christlike living) across the lands. Today the Church of the Nazarene is located in 156 world areas.The Church of the Nazarene is a Great Commission church. Our mission is to make Christlike disciples in the nations. We believe that God offers to everyone forgiveness, peace, joy, purpose, love, meaning in life, and the promise of heaven when life is over by entering and experiencing a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are called to take this message to people everywhere.The Church of the Nazarene is also a holiness church. We believe that Christians can experience a deeper level of life in which there is victory over sin, power to witness and serve, and a richer fellowship with God, all through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Upcoming Events

M25 Conference

February 10 - February 12

2025 Holiness Summit

February 26 - March 2

Our Churches

With 50+ churches on our district, we have a church home for everyone, no matter where in Southern West Virginia you live.

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