District Leadership

Our district superintendent is Rev. Bret Layton. Bret and Beth Layton came to us from a ministry position as vice president of advancement at World Gospel Mission. He previously pastored here on our district at Elk River Church of the Nazarene in Charleston from 1994 until 2002.

Rev. Layton has preached, taught, and trained pastors and other leaders in numerous countries around the world. His experiences in pastoral ministry and the non-profit world are a great benefit to our district.

Bret has also served churches in Ohio (Ironton First, Hamilton Millville Avenue, Springfield High Street), Georgia (Macon Shurlington), and Virginia (Roanoke First). He was also Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International chair for the Northwestern Ohio District while in Springfield.

“I enjoy partnering with the wonderful pastors and churches on the West Virginia South District in building the Kingdom and striving to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord,” Layton says. “Southern West Virginia is such an incredible place … with warm, loving, and hospitable people. Being missional is just part of who we are! It’s exciting to be part of it all!”

Originally from Columbus, Ohio, Bret is a graduate of Circleville Bible College (now Ohio Christian University) and Mount Vernon Nazarene College (now University). He was ordained on the South Central Ohio District in 1989.

Beth Layton also ably serves as our District Office Secretary.

District Officers

District Superintendent: Bret Layton
District Secretary: Charles V. Williams
District Treasurer: Adam Carr

Advisory Board: Charles V. Williams, Charles Webb, David Clark, Shane Hudnall, Linda Barnett, Chuck Taylor, Marc Price, Ginger Dials

Board of Ministry: Bret Layton, Bethany Carr, Charles Williams, David Clark, Gordon Killion, Kevin Witcher, Marc Price, Mark Ice, Randy Ledsome, Scott Buell, Betty Lett

MVNU Trustees: Bret Layton, Kent Estep, Laura Crouch, Adam Carr, Russ Bailey

Camp Board: Bret Layton, Chuck Taylor, Adam Carr (Treasurer), Chuck Pennington, Chuck Taylor, Shane Hudnall

District Superintendents Emeriti: C. Harold Smith & Mervin C. Smith

Upcoming Events

M25 Conference

February 10 - February 12

2025 Holiness Summit

February 26 - March 2

Our Churches

With 50+ churches on our district, we have a church home for everyone, no matter where in Southern West Virginia you live.

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