Our Churches

Directory of District Churches

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There are currently 55 churches in this directory

2630 Muddy Creek Mountain Rd. | Alderson, WV 24910 | 304-445-7939
Pastor Mark Prater

Alum Creek
1346 Childress Road | Alum Creek, WV 25003 | 304-756-1330
Pastor Ruth Anne Delong


827 Glen Drive | Wharton, WV 25208 | 304-247-6855

Beckley First
607 Johnstown Road | Beckley, WV 25801 | 304-253-1928
Pastor Chris and Teresa Stevens | www.beckleyfirstnaz.com

304 East 9th Street | Belle, WV 25015 | 304-949-2568
Pastor David Clark | www.bellenazarene.org

Bluefield First
1400 Stadium Drive | Bluefield, WV 24701 | 304-325-6594
Pastor Sherrill Michae | www.bluefieldnazarene.com

Buffalo Road | Buffalo, WV 25033 | 304-937-3258
Pastor Jonathon and Courtney Nelson

12751 Paint Creek Road | Gallagher, WV 25083 | 304-951-8207
Pastor Daniel Ray Irvin


Campbells Creek
543 Campbells Creek Drive | Charleston, WV 25306 | 304-925-6430
Pastor Craig Miller

Charleston Calvary
1113 Lakewood Drive | Charleston, WV 25312 | 304-984-9854
Pastor Jim Ellis | www.calvarynaz1.org

Charleston Davis Creek
102 Nazarene Drive | South Charleston, WV 25309 | 304-7440863
Pastor Rick Gardner | www.daviscreek.org

Charleston Elk River
143 Dutch Road | Charleston, WV 25302 | 304-342-6052
Pastor Randy Ledsome | [email protected] | www.elkrivernaz.com

Charleston First
200 Park Avenue | Charleston, WV 25302 | 304-346-8083
Pastor Randy Ledsome | [email protected] | [email protected]

Charleston Loudendale
708 Cane Fork | Charleston, WV 25314 | 304-346-2734
Pastor Edison Hager

Charleston Southeast
5102 MacCorkle Avenue SE | Charleston, WV 25304 | 304-925-3721
Pastor Bart Hodel | www.southeastnazarene.org

Charleston Valley Grove
4082 Rutledge Road | Charleston, WV 25311 | 304-342-4050

Charleston West Side
1817 7th Street | Charleston, WV 25312 | 304-342-6209
Pastor Kevin Witcher

109 Saxton Street | Chelyan, WV 25035 | 304-595-1147
Pastor Robert Williams

7554 Elk River Road N. | Clendenin, WV 25045 | 304-548-7904
Pastor Charles Larue

Woodbine Road | Craigsville, WV 26205 | 304-742-3597
Pastor Michelle Hodges

Cross Lanes First
5222 Big Tyler Road | Cross Lanes, WV 25313 | 304-204-2227
Pastor Jim Morris


1334 Lightner Avenue | Dunbar, WV 25064 | 304-720-7454
Pastor Greg Hudson | www.dunbarnaz.org


5509 Staunton-Parkersville Tpke | Bartow, WV 24920 | 304-456-4602
Pastor Gerald Reynolds


12 Upper Patch Road | Gallagher, WV 25083 | 304-595-4207
Pastor Mark Davis

Gap Mills
Gap Mills, WV 24941 | 304-772-3758
Pastor Clifford Kuhn

22 Second Avenue | Glasgow, WV 25086 | 304-595-1763
Pastor Gordon Killion

Greenbrier Valley
167 Dawkins Drive | Fairlea, WV 24901 | 304-647-5685
Pastor Terry and Becky Simpkins | www.gvnazarene.org


Rte. 61 | Handley, WV 25102 | 304-442-0118
Pastor Robert Hairston

Hissom Tabernacle
1305 Pennsylvania Avenue | Charleston, WV 25302 | 304-343-7046
Pastor Jessica Linhart | www.hissommission.org

Huntington Central
1102 Adams Avenue | Huntington, WV 25704 | 304-525-2321
Pastors Kris and Ruth Peadon | www.huntingtoncentral.com

Huntington First
321 30th Street | Huntington, WV 25702 | 304-525-6839
Pastor Marc Price | www.hfcnaz.com

Huntington Walnut Hills
340 Norway Avenue | Huntington, WV 25705 | 681-204-3922
Pastor Robert and Wendy Thompson

Hurricane First
358 U.S. Rte. 60 | Culloden, WV 25510 | 304-562-5930
Dr. Paul Whiteford


708 Washington Avenue | Institute, WV 25112 | 304-768-6575
Pastor Melvin Miller


Lens Creek
1874 Lens Creek Road | Hernshaw, WV 25107 | 304-949-4593
Pastor Pat McCue

410 Dingess Street | Logan, WV 25601 | 304-752-6778
Pastor Daryl Densford | www.logannaz.org


400 Main Street | Man, WV 25635 | 304-583-2020
Dr. John and Nancy Anderson

Marlington First
219 North | Marlington, WV 24954 | 304-799-2525
Pastor Donald Brown


New Beginnings Community
105 Acree Lane | Elkview, WV 25071 | 304-965-3303
Pastor Chuck Pennington | www.newbeginningsnazarene.com

New Harvest
309 State Street | Madison, WV 25130 | 304-369-7111
Pastor Ginger Dials

New Hope
1301 Summers Street | Hinton, WV 25951 | 304-384-7257
Pastor Eddie Crews

New Horizons
304 S. State Street | Athens, WV 24712 | 304-922-4467
Pastor Alvin Gearhart

1400 Sattes Circle | Nitro, WV 25143 | 304-722-7249
Pastor Bron Walker | www.nitronazarenechurch.org


Oak Hill
3221 East Main Street | Oak Hill, WV 25901 | 304-469-9204
Larry Lain | www.oakhillnaz.com


1272 Appalachian Hwy. | Pineville, WV 24874 | 304-732-7418
Pastor Clay Tincher

Princeton First
309 Oakdale Road | Princeton, WV 24740 | 304-425-2607
Pastor Jon Noggle | www.princetonnaz.com


Rand Bethel
4812 Church Drive | Rand, WV 25306 | 304-925-8616
Pastor Robert and Dorothy Dean

Rand First
305 Davidson Avenue | Charleston, WV 25306 | 304-925-7336
Pastor Matt Chapman


Tide Street | Seth, WV 25181 | 304-837-3400
Pastor Harrison Stollings

South Charleston First
4923 Kentucky Street | South Charleston, WV 25309 | 304-768-7417
Pastor Kent Estep | www.scnaz.com

South Charleston Grace
499 Second Avenue | South Charleston, WV 25303 | 304-744-2838
Pastor Sam Pierson

St. Albans
720 Hansford Street | St. Albans, WV 25177 | 304-721-8505
Pastor Greg Hill | www.stalbansnaz.org

15 McKees Creek Road | Summersville, WV 26651 | 304-872-2720
Pastor Angie Wilson


Teays Valley
3937 Teays Valley Road | Hurricane, WV 25526 | 304-757-8400
Pastor Charles and Patty Williams


10922 Winfield Road | Winfield, WV 25213 | 304-586-2180
Dr. Scott and Donna Buell

Upcoming Events

M25 Conference

February 10 - February 12

2025 Holiness Summit

February 26 - March 2

Our Churches

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PO Box 486, Charleston, WV 25322 | 304-768-5015 | [email protected]