Nazarene Youth International (NYI)


BE: In Evangelism, we are called to BE God’s light in the dark and ignored places of our world. We are to BE a faithful example of God’s unconditional love. In BEING in Christ and BEING with others, we allow the Holy Spirit to work through our lives and we trust God with the results.

DO: Through Discipleship, we journey together with other believers as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus. As we DO life together, we learn what it means to talk together, serve together, sacrifice together, fall and get back up together. We DO the hard work of becoming more like our Savior, living surrendered lives in community.

GO: In Leadership Development, we challenge and empower youth and their leaders to GO out into their communities as models of Christ’s servant leadership. We cannot afford to wait until we think we know enough; we must GO now, learning along the way.

District NYI President: Laura Crouch
[email protected]

District NYI Vice President: Pastor Cassie Crowder
[email protected]

District NYI Secretary: Pastor Trevor Lanz
[email protected]

District NYI Treasurer: Kayla Addison
[email protected]

NYI District College and Career Coordinator: Kayla Fisher
[email protected]

Fall Retreat Coordinators: Pastor D.J. Hetrick and Pastor Chris Kensey
[email protected]; [email protected]

District Lock-In Coordinator: Pastor Garrett Weeks
[email protected]

NYI District Quiz Director: Pastor Robbie Williams

District BLAST Coordinator: Pastor Paul Neil
[email protected]

NYI District Missions Coordinator: Pastor Mark Ice
[email protected]

Middle School Camp Co-Directors: Laura Crouch and Pastor Trevor Lanz
[email protected]; [email protected]

Upcoming Events

2025 Holiness Summit

February 26 - March 2


April 12 at 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Our Churches

With 50+ churches on our district, we have a church home for everyone, no matter where in Southern West Virginia you live.

Home | About Us | Our Churches | Our Ministries | Center for Ministry Formation
Pastors | News & Events | Resources | Contact

PO Box 486, Charleston, WV 25322 | 304-768-5015 | [email protected]